Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Poga Moonga

Poga Moonga is a natural dietetic supplement made with a perfect mixture of Moringa, pomegranate and Aloe Vera juice. It is the first time all three of these amazing supplements are combined into one amazing drink. First, you have Moringa, called “Natures Medicine Chest” because of its ability to treat and even cure many illnesses. It was used in ancient times and is recorded in the first written medical book in India called the “ayurveda”.

It is recorded that Moringa was used to treat and cure over 300 illnesses. It can be used topically as an ointment and taken orally. It is used to treat everything form rashes and scrapes externally to chronic swelling due to trauma and high blood pressure internally. It is also a great detoxifier and is also amazingly used to purify drinking water. But one of the most important properties of moringa is its ability to provide your body with the 8 “essential amino acids “ your body needs for life. Your body needs 22 amino acids but only contains 14 of them.

You must obtain these missing essential amino acids from other sources. All amino acids must be replenished which you do by eating food, which turns into protein, which produces amino acids. But the 8 essential amino acids are harder to keep replenished because your body does not contain them in the first place. Moringa is the only plant that contains the 8 essential amino acids your body needs. Taking moringa would be the easiest way to keep your essential amino acids replenished.

The second ingredient in poga moonga is pomegranate. Pomegranate is a super antioxidant, 3 times more powerful than the antioxidant found in red wine and tomatoes. The importance of antioxidants are becoming more and more obvious from research to be an important part of a healthy body. Antioxidants fight “free radicals”, which are bad cholesterol. Antioxidants help in maintaining good cholesterol levels by controlling free radicals.

Free radicals are cholesterol, which become harmful to the body because of oxidation that occurs to them. LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) can cause a build up of plaque in the arteries. This build up can lead to clots, which can constrict the flow of blood to the body and brain. This lack of blood flow can lead to heart attacks and strokes. It may prevent the return of prostate cancer after surgery and can be used for prostate cancer prevention.

The last, but certainly not the least important ingredient in poga moonga is aloe vera. Aloe is well known for its external uses such as treating sunburn but internally it can help normalize your digestive system. It also contains 20 amino acids so between moringa and aloe you will get all the amino acids your body needs. Aloe also contains 8 of the 13 recognized vitamins. But the most important part in aloe is its “phytochemicals”.

Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that have no nutritional value but contain protective and disease preventive properties. These help build and maintain your immune system to fight infections. These phytochemicals are found in aloe vera and in no other plant. With all these amazing ingredients in one great tasting drink, Poga Moonga should be a part of every ones supplement regiment.

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