Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pogamoonga and Antioxidants

Antioxidants are very important part for maintaining healthy body. Antioxidants are made up of nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and enzymes (proteins in your body that assist in chemical reaction). Antioxidants are believed to play a key role in prevention of chronic diseases. They help such chronic diseases as cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s, Rheumatoid arthritis and cataracts. Antioxidants contain vitamins E, C and beta carotene ( a form of vitamin A) which all have health promoting properties.

Antioxidants can reduce the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol. Oxidation of cholesterol produces fatty build up in arteries, which can lead to stroke and heart attacks. Because oxidation is a naturally occurring process within the body, a balance with antioxidants must exist to maintain good health. Antioxidants help reduce these fatty build-ups, thus help in controlling the free radicals (bad cholesterol). Although, oxidation is crucial for life, it can also be very damaging if found in excess. They help control the oxidation process by controlling “free radicals” which form during oxidation. Free radicals can damage and even kill cells.

Your body can get antioxidants from foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, juices and red wine but one of the largest amount of natural antioxidants are found in Pomegranate juice, which can be found in Poga Moonga. Natural antioxidants are much better for your body than synthetically made antioxidants. They are easily absorbed into the body. Synthetically made antioxidants have to be broken down and then absorbed by the body which makes them less effective. Pomegranate juice contains a super antioxidant, a flavonoid, that is much more effective in fighting heart disease than the antioxidants found in tomatoes or red wine.

Ongoing research is showing the opposite of what was originally thought about antioxidants. At first it was thought antioxidants were not good for you but research is showing that antioxidants are a very important part of good health. Whatever source you choose, having antioxidants in your nutritional program are very important to good health.

Foods high in antioxidants are associated to good health. Natural antioxidants are considered the best. Natural antioxidants can be found in the food we eat, like pomegranate juice, a super-antioxidant. A wide variety of plant foods, such as fruits, grain, walnuts, juices, tomatoes and red wine also contain natural antioxidants. Antioxidants play a large part in preventing many illnesses. They will help thin your blood, which makes the blood flow smoother throughout the body.

They help prevent build up of fat in the arteries, which reduces the chance of blocked arteries. Without natural antioxidants, clogged arteries could lead to heart attacks and stroke. Natural antioxidants also help in the prevention of heart disease.

There are synthetic antioxidants available but research has shown that your body must break it down in order to be of any benefit. Natural antioxidants on the other hand match your body chemistry and are much easier for your body to absorb and use. The amount of antioxidants varies from each food.

One of the best foods, that contain antioxidants, is pomegranate, which is one of the ingredients in poga moonga. Natural antioxidants, like the pomegranate juice found in poga moonga, contain Vitamin C, Vitamin E and enzymes that help monitor oxidation. With more ongoing research being done on antioxidants, it is being determined that they should be a part of everyone’s health supplement for good health. The pomegranate, one of the best sources of natural antioxidants should be considered when deciding where you will get the antioxidant, you plan to take.

Antioxidant foods contain Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and Vitamin E. Antioxidants fall into seven food group categories. These categories are as follows, berries, fruits, legumes (beans), nuts (nuts, seeds and dried fruits), cereals, vegetables and roots. Recent studies, found in the Journal of Nutrition, analyzed the total antioxidant content of foods found in each group.

The following foods contain the highest amount of antioxidants in their food group. In the berries group (dog rose and crow berry), the legumes group (broad beans), the nut group (walnuts), the vegetable group (kale), the cereal group (barley), the root group (ginger) and the fruit group (pomegranate).

Now I don’t know about you but I never had dog rose, broad beans or kale. I eat walnuts once in a while and how much barley and ginger can you eat. So the way I see it is, I’m left with pomegranate juice, which is found in Poga Moonga, along with Moringa and aloe vera. Pomegranate is a super- antioxidant , which is a high source of antioxidants. So now I don’t have to worry about eating enough kale, broad beans, barley, ginger or whatever dog rose is to get my antioxidants.

Then you will be sure to get all the benefits of the antioxidant. You can purchase other antioxidant food supplements but the natural form of antioxidants you get from the food is much more powerful. Taking pomegranate juice will enhance the effects of antioxidant supplements you might be taking now.

Most of the juices you drink have antioxidants, like strawberry, blueberry, cranberry and raspberry juice but the antioxidants are strongest in dog rose and crowberry. In the legumes group, pinto beans, soybean are also good sources of antioxidants but broad beans have the highest amount. In the nuts group sunflower seeds, and prunes are also a good source of antioxidants but walnuts have the highest amount. In the vegetable group, chili pepper, red cabbage, peppers, parsley, spinach and Brussels sprouts have antioxidants but again, kale is the most potent.

In the cereal group barley has the most but millet, oats and corn have antioxidants too. In the root food group, red beets contain antioxidants. And finally, the fruit group has grape, orange, plum, pineapple, lemon, kiwi, clementine and grapefruit juice but pomegranate juice has about 3 times the antioxidants of tomatoes or red wine.

Antioxidant Definitions are any substance that reduces the oxidative damage (blood oxidization). Free radicals cause such oxidization. Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals that attack molecules by capturing electrons, which then results in chemical structure changes. Oxidization in the blood will cause bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). Antioxidants are necessary to maintain the proper balance of oxidation in order to maintain a good cholesterol level.

Antioxidants are readily available form the food we digest which turns into protein. But it is not easy to get all the protein your body needs for making antioxidants. This is why antioxidant supplements were made. But you must choose the proper supplement in order to take advantage of the antioxidants your body is lacking. Poga moonga, contains a super-antioxidant which is very effective in maintaining a good cholesterol level.

Vitamins C, vitamin E and beta carotene (which converts to vitamin A), along with enzymes are well known antioxidants.. They add antioxidants to food products like prepared foods and oils to delay them form breaking down when they interact with air.

These vitamins (A, E, C, Q and beta carotene) must be constantly replenished. Our body makes others but the amount of these can be raised with a good natural dietary supplement, like poga moonga. Vitamin A may slow aging and is required for healthy skin. Through research they have found that antioxidants work best when they are working with other antioxidants, rather than alone.

Your body will use a combination of different antioxidants to prevent disease and cell damage. So any formula that contains the highest amount of different antioxidants is the best one to take. Our body composition is made up of different antioxidants that perform different functions. Some natural antioxidant formulas, such as poga moonga, have many of the antioxidants that are necessary for effective detoxification.

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